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Kooler Journeyman Plumber

Kooler Plumbing

Needing repairs ASAP?  Call the Kooler plumbers for repairs done quickly. We offer quality work and emergency same day appointments. If you need a plumber don't hesitate to call 306-783-5665. 

  • Shower valve replacement

  • Repairing/replacing taps and toilets

  • Leaky pipes

  • Sink installation

  • Gas line installation and shut offs

  • Water softeners

  • Water heating installation or repair

  • On demand maintenance and installation

  • Reverse Osmosis

  • Residential renovations and repairs

  • Commercial renovations and repairs

  • Project Quotes!

September (1200 × 628 px) (1200 × 1200 px) (1200 × 1200 px) (1200 × 1200 px) (940 × 940 px

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 Minor issues with your pipes should be dealt with immediately to prevent further problems. For example, if you notice your pipes or joints are damp and suspected of leaking, do not linger on the idea that the leak will not develop into something serious. You could end up with a burst pipe causing more damage than necessary.

We repair or replace leaky pipes, water heaters, gas lines and softeners.  If you’re renovating or building our plumbers will install your fixtures. If you have an unexpected emergency, we are here to help 24/7.  Did you book your on demand water heater maintenance? 


Receive a $1000 SaskEnergy rebate on a tankless water heater or $250 on a power vent water heater!  

Call for a quote 306-783-5665. 

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